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How to accurately evaluate the sun protection performance of Beach sarong wrap?

How to accurately evaluate the sun protection performance of Beach sarong wrap, including key indicators such as UPF value and UV transmittance, to ensure that the product meets the sun protection standards?

In order to accurately evaluate the sun protection performance of Beach sarong wrap, including key indicators such as UPF value (ultraviolet protection factor value) and UV transmittance, to ensure that the product meets the sun protection standards, the following steps can be taken:

Understand the sun protection standards:
First, you need to understand and follow the relevant standards and regulations on sun protection products in your country or region. For example, the "Evaluation of UV Protection Performance of Textiles" of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine clearly stipulates that only when the UPF is greater than 30 and the long-wave ultraviolet transmittance is less than 5%, it can be called a UV protection product.
UPF value determination:
The Beach sarong wrap is tested using professional UPF value determination instruments. These instruments can simulate ultraviolet radiation in sunlight and measure the sample's ability to protect against ultraviolet rays.
During the test, the Beach sarong wrap sample needs to be placed in the instrument and irradiated according to the irradiation conditions specified in the standard.
After irradiation, the UPF value is calculated by measuring the intensity of ultraviolet rays passing through the sample. The higher the UPF value, the stronger the product's protection against UV rays.
UV transmittance measurement:
The Beach sarong wrap is tested using a UV transmittance meter. The instrument is capable of measuring the UV transmittance of a sample at different wavelengths.
Similarly, the Beach sarong wrap sample is placed in the instrument and irradiated according to the irradiation conditions specified in the standard.
After irradiation, the UV transmittance is calculated by measuring the UV intensity that passes through the sample. The long-wave UV transmittance should be less than 5% to meet the requirements of UV protection products.
Comprehensive evaluation:
Combining the test results of UPF value and UV transmittance, the sun protection performance of the Beach sarong wrap is comprehensively evaluated.
If the UPF value is greater than 30 and the UV transmittance is less than 5%, it can be considered that the product meets the sun protection standard.
Quality control and continuous monitoring:
During the production process, regular quality control and sun protection performance testing are carried out on raw materials and finished products to ensure that the product always meets the sun protection standard.
Sampling and testing of products on the market to promptly discover and solve potential quality problems.
Labeling and publicity:
Key indicators such as UPF value and UV transmittance are clearly marked on the product so that consumers can understand the sun protection performance of the product.
During the publicity and promotion process, accurately convey the product's sun protection performance information to avoid misleading consumers.

Through the above steps, the sun protection performance of Beach sarong wrap can be accurately evaluated to ensure that the product meets the sun protection standards and provide consumers with effective sun protection.