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A cloth bag is an eco-friendly and economical way to carry goods. These bags are made from natural materials like jute or cotton and they are reusable and can be used for a long time. These bags do not cause any damage to the environment because they are biodegradable. They can be reused for many times and do not harm the earth as compared to plastic bags that are non-biodegradable and cannot be recycled.
They are a good choice for carrying heavy items and they are sturdy enough to withstand any rough use. These bags are also very hygienic and can be cleaned with a little detergent. They can be soaked in water to get rid of dirt and debris, then wrung out. You can also use a soft brush or your fingers to remove any stubborn stains.
These bags are also very lightweight and they can easily be packed in a small pouch, making them easy to carry around. They are also available in a variety of colors and designs that make them fun to carry.
This type of bag is great for taking to the market for bulk purchases, or for putting your knitting supplies in while traveling! They are also a good option for gifts because they can be personalized with beautifully stitched designs.
A cloth bag is a better alternative to plastic bags because they are made from natural fibers and are biodegradable. They are also a great option to replace single-use plastic bags that you throw away after each use.
They can be easily cleaned with a little detergent, but it is important to rinse the fabric first before washing it. This will prevent the lining from becoming distorted and help it to maintain its original shape.
When cleaning, be sure to work in small, circular movements and focus on the areas that are most likely to have dirt or debris. You can also soak the bag in lukewarm water to help remove any stubborn stains or odors.
Once the bag is clean, it can be put in the dryer for about 10 minutes. You can also hang it up on a clothesline to air dry if you have one, which will help the fabric to retain its shape and size.
The bottom of the bag can be given more volume by sewing across the corners. This will create two rounded corners that are essentially dog-ears and give the bottom of the bag more of a body.
You can also fold the hem down a few inches and sew it in place to give your bag a finished look. This hem can be a simple double fold that lines up with the top edge of the fabric or a fancy hem treatment.
This type of bag is a popular choice amongst shoppers because they are easy to carry, strong and durable. They are also a great choice for people who live in a city and want to avoid using disposable shopping bags.

100% Cotton canvas shopping grocery bag foldable canvas handle tote bag
Product Type | Canvas tote bag |
Item No. | XCBD2206 |
Material | Canvas |
Feature | Durable ecofriendly |
Measure | 26*20*7 |
Weight | 73g |
Size | 6 sizes for selection |
Color | 5 colors for selection |